Several sizes and shapes of antique jars come together to form this fountain. There are four tall vases of varying height, and then two smaller ones. The small pots sit atop two of the bigger ones, and are perfectly tilted for optimal flow. The finish on this model is a dark natural color, and it has an authentic look even though it is made from fiberglass. The old world detailing on each jar ads a nice effect, and really improves the overall look of this unit. Water will flow from the top jar, and then spill into the next one. After that jug fills up, the water will continue to flow to the larger jars below. This is a totally self contained unit, so once the water completes it's journey, it will be pumped back up to cycle through again. The continuous flow will add a nice effect to any indoor or outdoor setting, and would be a great addition to anyone's home.
Sturdy fiberglass construction enables this fountain to look like it was made from natural materials. You get the look of a more expensive piece, but it will be way more manageable. The lower price is nice, but portability and placement are also made easier thanks to the materials. A high quality pump is included to complete the package, and it comes with a full, one year warranty. The set up on this unit is easy, and maintenance is almost nonexistent. You do need to plug it in somewhere, but beyond that there is not much to assemble or set up. Because it continuously cycles the same water, once you get it filled, and plugged in, you will be all but ready to enjoy your relaxing new fountain. Perfect for the patio, deck or by the pool, this fountain would enhance any backyard decor. Due to limited splashing, you can also use this model inside if you want to. It is relatively tall when compared to other models, so if you are looking for a fountain to add visual appeal to your yard while providing calming background noise, look no further. The GIL808 Three Tier Jar Fountain is a great choice. Order Yours Today!