There's nothing worse than spiders making a home in your tent bag, or moisture leading to mildew growth in your sleeping bag. This durable storage rack mounts to any wall in your garage, basement or shed in order to hold your camping gear securely off the floor, and out of the way. It is large enough to accommodate several backpacks, sleeping bags, folding chairs, tents and just about anything else. Instead of lying on the ground, or being stuffed into an attic or closet, all your camping stuff will be neatly arranged right on the wall. This not only protects your gear and makes it easier to find, it will also free up more space in your garage, so that you can use it for something else. A simple system that employs sturdy hooks in a variety of sizes attached to an industrial steel bar will allow you to quickly and easily organize your camping equipment. Because it will no longer be out of sight, or buried in a pile, your gear will be easier to get when you need it, and better protected from damage that can occur due to accidents or exposure to the elements. It comes complete with everything you need to install it, and most people will have this rack operational in less than fifteen minutes.
Installing this versatile storage rack is easy. It can be mounted in almost any location, but you will want to make sure that you are securing it to something solid. For most folks, this will mean using a stud finder to locate wood behind the sheet rock. Once you locate the perfect spot, simply use the bracket to mark where the screw holes are, and then set it down while you drill some guide holes. Do the same thing for the bracket that will support the other side of the bar, and then use the included screws to fix them to the wall. Once you have both brackets mounted, you will insert the main bar by pressing down on the button and then sliding it through the hole. Once through, the button will pop back up to lock the bar in place. After both sides are in the brackets, check to make sure it is level, and then begin adding on the hooks. This storage set comes with a variety of sizes, and each one has the ability to attach anywhere along the bar. A strong inner structure made from metal is coated in a rubbery material that increases grip, and decreases any possibility of damage. Hang and support all of your gear as you see fit, as the combo of hooks should offer plenty of security for any variety of camping gear.
Place it in your basement to store equipment out of site, or mount it in your garage so all of your gear is right next to your vehicle. You can even use it inside a closet or shed in order to maximize space, and prevent your equipment from slumping and sliding as it leans against the wall. Thanks to the versatile hooks, and your ability to move them anywhere you want them, this rack is easily adaptable to any type of equipment. When you know that all of your camping stuff is safe and secure when you are not using it, you never have to worry about it not being ready when it comes time to hit the road. The industrial strength materials that this rack is made from ensure that it can handle anyone's gear without bending or breaking, and thanks to the durability, the whole set comes with a lifetime warranty. From family sized tents to a child's nap sack, this rack can hold it all. Don't settle for a neatly organized pile in your attic or garage when you could have the ultimate in organization and space saving storage. Prevent any sort of damage due to moisture, dirt or accidents as you ensure that all of your equipment is easy to find. Order Yours Today!